July 11, 2024

Hallam Fields Primary is a GOOD school!
Following a thorough two-day visit by HMI Ofsted Inspectors, we are thrilled to reveal that Lionheart's Hallam Fields Primary in Birstall has been recognised as a ‘Good’ school.Judged to be ‘Outstanding’ in three of the five inspection criteria – including behaviour and attitudes and personal development – Inspectors found Hallam Fields to be “an inclusive and highly ambitious school” and a place where children are happy to attend. “They interact with each other and staff with high levels of respect and courtesy,” the report noted.
The strength of the school’s “aspirational” curriculum was celebrated, with Inspectors highlighting how pupils enjoy a progressive learning experience throughout their time at Hallam Fields.
“The curriculum intent for all subjects is highly ambitious and plans ensure progression in knowledge and skills from the Reception Year through to Year 6,” they said.
The core subjects received considerable recognition, with the strength of the reading curriculum, in particular, praised:
“The school has prioritised early reading,” commented the Inspectors, “[and] there is a strong reading culture.”
This is instilled right at the beginning of a child’s Hallam Fields journey, where “staff are well trained to deliver the phonics programme.” Consequently, “outcomes for Year 1 phonics are strong” and “the reading curriculum that follows on from phonics is well-sequenced.”
Alongside reading, the strength of mathematics was championed, with Inspectors describing the curriculum as “ambitious and well sequenced.”
Pupils enjoy the subject and the structure of lessons equips them with the skills to explain their methods with confidence. They enjoy the retrieval part of lessons, saying that they “help them to know and remember more. As a result, “outcomes at the end of key stage 1 are strong.”
During an interview with Inspectors, one pupil said: “All the teachers are really nice at Hallam Fields. They always help us in our lessons and they teach us really well. Our school is just a really nice place to be.”
This positive attitude is reflected in pupil behaviour, which was described as being “exceptional.” Inspectors continued: “They listen intently in lessons and demonstrate positive attitudes towards their learning.”
Promoting Lionheart’s Trust-wide pupil-centred values, Hallam Fields also implement strong provision for SEND children, working alongside external agencies to ensure they can access the same ambitious curriculum as their peers.
Finally, the work of the Senior Leadership Team was applauded; Inspectors noting that “the school is very well led and managed.” “Staff feel exceptionally well supported with regards to their workload and feel their well-being is carefully considered.”
On the judgement, Head of School, Ifat Sultana said: “We are incredibly proud that Hallam Fields has been recognised as a ‘Good’ school by Ofsted. Inspectors identified the positive atmosphere in school and praised the attitude and enthusiasm of our wonderful children. Our staff work tirelessly to provide pupils with an enriching educational experience, so to have the strength of our broad and ambitious curriculum celebrated is a testament to their commitment and hard work.”
Read the full report here