
How we process your personal data

This privacy notice provides information about the different ways we process personal data and our legal basis for doing so, it also provides you with information about your rights, and how to contact us at any time about exercising your rights. We may update our Privacy Notices at any time. The current version of all of our Privacy Notices can be found below, and we encourage you to check back here regularly to review any changes.

Who we are

The Lionheart Educational Trust (The Trust) is a Data Controller under the Data Protection Act 2018 for all personal data we collect and process about you.

Our registration number with the Information Commissioner is ZA075721

Our registered postal address is:
Lionheart Educational Trust,
C/O Beauchamp City Sixth Form,
South Albion Street,

The Trust comprises of 16 Schools. The Lionheart Educational Trust is the single registered Data Controller responsible and accountable for all of the personal data processed within these schools:

  • Beauchamp City Sixth Form
  • Beauchamp College
  • Brocks Hill Primary School
  • Broom Leys Primary School
  • Cedars Academy
  • Hallam Fields Primary School
  • Highcliffe Primary School
  • Riverside Primary School
  • Humphrey Perkins School
  • Judgemeadow Community College
  • Martin High School
  • Sir Jonathan North Community College
  • The Castle Rock School
  • The Newbridge School
  • Mercia Academy
  • Newhall Junior School

The Trust takes its responsibilities for the protection of personal data very seriously. Your privacy and that of the students in our care is extremely important to us. Our Data Protection Policy and Privacy Notices provide transparency in how we collect and process your personal data, how you can check and update any of your personal data, and our how we keep your data secure.

It is important that you read the Privacy Notices so that you understand why we are collecting or processing personal data about you and how you can contact us to exercise your rights.

The Data Protection Officer

The Trust has appointed a Data Protection Officer. If you have any concerns with regard to the way your personal data is being processed or have a query with regard to this Notice, they can be emailed at [email protected] or via telephone 0116 2729148.

How we get information

“Personal data” is information relating to a living, identifiable individual. Most of the personal data we process is provided to us directly by you for one of the following reasons:

  • You are a student
  • You are a parent/carer registering your child at our Trust
  • You are a visitor attending our Trust
  • You are a volunteer or hold a governance role
  • You have applied for a job or secondment with us
  • You have made an information request, complaint or enquiry to us
  • You are a visitor to our website

We may also receive personal information about you indirectly, for example:

If you are a pupil, your previous school will send us your education file when you join our Trust
A parent/carer may give us your name and contact details in case we cannot contact them directly, or to make us aware that you are authorised to collect their child from school
An employee may give us your name and contact details as their ‘emergency contact’ or next of kin
Your name and contact details may be given to us by job applicants, volunteers or governors, as a referee to support their application

Public authorities, regulators or law enforcement bodies may give us information to assist them in their enquiries or to help safeguard children

Your personal data and how we process it

"Processing" means any operation which we carry out using your personal data, for example obtaining, storing, transferring or deleting.

We only process data for specified purposes and if it is justified in accordance with data protection law. Details of each processing purpose and its legal basis is given in each privacy notice listed below - please refer to the privacy notice that is most relevant to your relationship with the Trust.

"Special category data" is personal data which includes information about your racial or ethic origin, religious or other beliefs, physical or mental health, the processing of which is subject to strict requirements.

“Criminal Offence Data” is information about criminal convictions and offences. It is also subject to strict requirements.

Where we process special category data or criminal offence data we have an Appropriate Policy Document in place which is a legal requirement within the Data Protection Act.

How long we keep your data for

Unless specific time periods are given in the relevant Privacy Notice, your data will be kept in line with the Trust’s Records Retention Schedule. This is based on the Information and Records Management Society’s Toolkit for Academy Schools.

If you need more detailed advice on how long your data will be kept for, please contact the data protection team.

How we keep your data secure

The Trust maintains strict policies and procedures for keeping personal data secure. For more information about our commitment to data security and compliance please read our Data Protection Compliance Statement.

Your rights as a data subject

You have the following rights in relation to your personal data processed by us:

Right to be informed
The Trust will provide information within our privacy notices to ensure that you understand how and why we're processing your personal data, and so you can enforce your rights.

Right of access
You have a right to see all the information the Trust holds about you. To make a request for your own information please complete our Subject Access Request Form and send to [email protected]
Whilst the Subject Access Request Form is not a legal requirement it will help to make the handling of your request more efficient.

Right to data portability
Where data is held electronically in a structured form, such as in a database, you have a right to receive that data in a common electronic format that allows you to supply that data to a third party - this is called "data portability".

Right of rectification
If the data we hold about you is incorrect, you have the right to have it corrected.

Right to erasure
You have the right to ask that we delete your data, and where this is appropriate we will respect your wishes. The right to erasure is a limited right, and we may not be able to agree to requests for erasure if we need to keep this data, for example, legal or statutory purposes. If this occurs, we will explain why your request is not being actioned.

Right to restrict processing
You have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data in certain circumstances. This means that you can limit the way that we use your data. This is an alternative to requesting the erasure of your data.

Right to object
You have a right to object to how we use your data if we do so on the basis of "legitimate interests" or "in the performance of a task in the public interest" or "exercise of official authority". Unless we can show a compelling case why our use of data is justified, we have to stop using your data in the way that you've objected to.

Withdrawing consent
If we are relying on your consent to process your data, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.

Read our privacy notices

Student Privacy Notice
Parent / Carer Privacy Notice
Community Engagement Privacy Notice
Job Applicants Privacy Notice
Staff Privacy Notice
Alumni Privacy Notice


Exercising your rights, queries and complaints

For more information about your rights, if you wish to exercise any right, for any queries you may have or if you wish to make a complaint, please contact the Data Protection Officer: [email protected]

Complaints to the Information Commissioner

You have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) about the way in which we process your personal data.
You can make a complaint on the ICO's website:
To contact the ICO’s helpline: 0303 123 1113