February 05, 2024

Lionheart schools enjoy rocking success at Battle of the Bands 2024
At the start of February, seven of our schools assembled at The Cedars Academy’s Palmer Tomkinson Theatre in Birstall for the annual Lionheart Battle of the Bands competition, which – due to its ever-growing popularity – returned for a third year running.68 students from Beauchamp College, The Castle Rock School, The Cedars Academy, Humphrey Perkins School, Martin High School, The Newbridge School and Sir Jonathan North Girls’ College all battled it out for the right to be crowned best band in the Lionheart Educational Trust.
The schools were split into two groups; the Juniors category – which was made up of performers in Key Stage 3 – and the Seniors – which comprised students in Key Stage 4 and 5. Awards were up for grabs in both categories, whilst judges would also look to highlight one outstanding individual.
Given the unenviable task of deciding a winner was the judging panel, made up of representatives from Leicester Community Radio and Midnight Angel – a legendary local rock band.
They would be scoring the bands on four categories; Music Ability, Band Cohesion, Stage Presence and Audience Participation.
As the clock ticked down to 6pm, the tension inside the theatre was palpable. A strong crowd of over 200 were there generating a fantastic atmosphere throughout the evening, supporting each and every single band that took to the stage.
It was clear from early on that the standard of competition was high. All bands had clearly put hours and hours into rehearsing their routines and fine-tuning their craft, ensuring every last little detail was spot on. Consequently, the final scores were very, very close.
Students served up a diverse collection of music that appealed to everybody in the audience. They were all up headbanging and clapping along to ‘Beggin You’ by Maneskin and then ‘Welcome to Paradise’ by Green Day. But there were also more sombre and reflective moments, highlighted through the emotive performances of ‘Skyfall’ by Adele and then Bruno Mars’ ‘Talking to the Moon.’
After much deliberation from the judging panel, the winners were selected.
Taking the top prize in the Juniors category was Jess and Ella From The Newbridge School, whilst Humphrey Perkins’ entry, Combvst, won gold for the Seniors. Meanwhile, the Individual Outstanding Performance Award went to Year 11 student Dylan from The Cedars Academy who performed an exceptional drum solo that blew the audience away!
"This year's event was incredible,” explained Trust Music Technician Jonathan Davison, who organised the whole event.
“Battle of the Bands has become quite a thing for our student musicians. It's really focused their efforts to rehearse and commit to being part of a band. I saw performances that indicate that there will be a lifelong career in music for some of these students.
“Also, it's amazing that some of the performers were complete novices but handled the pressure so well and totally charmed the audience with their humour and self-confidence. I'm so incredibly proud of them."
Full results:
3) Clue-Less (Humphrey Perkins School)
2) Ultraviolet (Sir Jonathan North Girls’ College)
1) Jess and Eden (The Newbridge School)
3) Revival (Martin High School)
2) Tease (Beauchamp College)
1) Combvst (Humphrey Perkins School)
Individual Outstanding Performance
Dylan (The Cedars Academy)