December 18, 2023

Lionheart schools spread festive cheer
Schools across Lionheart Educational Trust have been awash with tinsel, baubles, snowflakes, cards and presents as staff and students promote festive cheer during the season of goodwill.Here’s a round up of what a selection of our Leicestershire schools have been up to:
Martin High School:
With the sound of Mariah Carey’s ‘All I Want For Christmas’ filling the air, Martin High School started early this year, hosting a magical Christmas Fayre in November.
Over 30 stalls welcomed visitors – including raffles, tombolas and crafts – and a range of festive food was served. Taking a well-deserved weekend off ahead of his busy evening on Christmas Eve, Santa Claus even dropped by to pay the children a visit and make some amendments to his Nice/Naughty list.
The first Christmas Fayre at Martin High for several years, it raised over £1200 for the Student Council and had attendees eagerly anticipating the big day on 25th December!
Sir Jonathan North Girls' College:
Channelling their creativity, students at Sir Jonathan North Girls’ College designed and created Christmas jar lanterns.
Decorating the exterior with a collection of festive symbols, the vibrant and colourful lanterns helped to created a stunning display in the library.
The school also hosted its annual Winter Arts Festival in December, during which Performing Arts Students donned their tinsel and glitter for dance, drama and music performances!
Hallam Fields Primary School:
Teachers and pupils tried something a little bit different to mark Christmas this year; they waved goodbye to their usual plain doors and instead, as part of a Christmas competition, decorated them with Christmassy themes. The competition saw reindeer stables, candy canes, gingerbread men, festive fireplaces and even an array of Hallam Fields elves!
Practising their neat handwriting, Rabbit Class wrote their own letters to Santa, before excitedly walking together to the post box. Fingers-crossed they got to the North Pole in time and that Santa remembers everything on the list!
There was also room to squeeze in a Christmas decorations day, welcoming parents and carers into school to work alongside the children to create festive decorations for both the classroom and home.
Brocks Hill Primary School:
Joy filled the air in the dining hall at Brocks Hill, as pupils tucked into a hearty Christmas lunch. Showcasing a collection of impressive jumpers and hats, the children feasted on turkey, roast potatoes, pigs in blankets and vegetables; several children were even brave enough to sample a brussel sprout (yes, just the one!), before pulling a cracker and sharing a joke or two.
The school also came together to support the wider community by hosting the ‘Brocks Hill 12 Days of Christmas Food Bank Collection.’ From 4th to 19th December, pupils were invited to bring in contributions for the Leicester South Foodbank, with pupils, parents and carers giving generously.
Beauchamp College:
Oadby’s Beauchamp College was a veritable hive of festive activity throughout December!
A mischievous elf was up to no good in the school library, hiding a range of literary questions as part of a Christmas quiz, whilst an inter-house cookie decorating competition was well-attended. The annual Christmas concert showed off the talents of many students – who had practised long and hard for many weeks – through an evening of drama, dance and music in the Main Hall.
Students also gave generously, donating important food supplies to Leicester YMCA and Oadby Foodbank, and donated gifts as part of the annual Shoebox Appeal.
The Castle Rock and The Newbridge Schools:
In the school kitchens of Coalville, staff and students at Castle Rock and Newbridge enjoyed serving and devouring delicious festive food.
Castle Rock students feasted on turkey baguettes whilst, at Newbridge, Mrs Bowles and her crack team of Christmas chefs baked reindeer-inspired chocolate cupcakes. They used pretzels for the antlers and coloured Smarties for the noses, of course ensuring there was a solitary red one on hand to represent Rudolph!
Beauchamp City Sixth Form:
The Year 12 Chemistry Club at Beauchamp City Sixth Form, combined their passion for Science, with a love of all things festive, creating the Chemistree (see what they did there?) More than just an impressive sculpture, though, the model helped students to learn about how colour is produced in different molecules.
Students also participated in the annual GCHQ Christmas Challenge, a problem-solving exercise that tests lateral thinking and encourages teamwork.
Staff and students also made time for more fundraising, demonstrating their commitment to supporting the local community, by donating supplies to the Thurnby Lodge Food Bank.
A great effort from all Lionheart staff and students, who have not only spread festive cheer in their schools this term, but also supported their local communities.
From all at Lionheart: we wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year.