November 11, 2022

Remembrance Day across Lionheart Schools
Each year, on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, the UK falls silent in memory of the people who have served and lost their lives in wars around the world, fighting for and alongside the UK. Across Lionheart schools, staff and students have acknowledged Remembrance Day in a variety of ways.On Friday 11th November 2022, staff and students across Leicester and Leicestershire’s Lionheart schools showed their respects with a two-minute silence, remembering those lost as well as thinking about people around the world who are fighting for a better way of life. As well as the respectful silence, schools have engaged students in various educational activities throughout the week leading up to Remembrance Day, helping them to understand its importance. This has included:
- Students across year groups at Beauchamp College have been creating poppies for commemorative display, using various art forms including fine art paintings, modelling and woodwork. As staff and students gathered together in classes for the two-minute silence, Associate Principal Alice King, along with Year 7 students, read the poem ‘Lest We forget’, followed by RS teacher Aimee Poulson, and Year 13 student India, playing The Last Post on Trumpet. This was beamed by video link to all classes at Beauchamp College as the school fell silent.
- At Humphrey Perkins School, Charity Student Leaders sold poppies and all assemblies during the week were linked to Remembrance, with a focus on the contribution of Sikh soldiers and the new statue in Victoria Park, Leicester. On Remembrance Day, the entire school gathered outside at 10.45 for a service with student Cadets, a bugler and a two-minute silence at 11.
- Assemblies for students at Sir Jonathan North Girls' College highlighted the role of Sikh soldiers in WWII, while a tutor time presentation was made by a member of staff about their family's real-life experience of World War II. A display in their reception area showed different coloured poppies alongside information about the contributions of different groups of people to WW1 and 2.
- Children at all Trust primary schools, from year 2 and up, joined the live Remembrance assembly led by the Literacy Trust. Children in Foundation and Year 1 joined a more age-appropriate assembly led by key stage leaders. Learning was further supported by activities in class following the assemblies.
- Children at Hallam Fields Primary have also been crafting to create a poppy display for the school corridor and have been selling and buying poppies in school, wearing them with pride.
- Cedars Academy students have participated in spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) lessons, using Royal British Legion resources to understand the meaning and importance of Remembrance Day. The creative arts department produced a striking display of thought-provoking black and white images surrounded by bright handmade poppies.
- Students at Judgemeadow Community College have learned about Remembrance Day through daily assemblies across the week, culminating in a number of students reading poems at their local Evington village community event on Remembrance Day.
- At Martin High in Anstey, each year group joined a special Remembrance Day assembly on Friday, with Student Ambassadors reading poems to their peers. The school's art club also created a beautiful poppy wreath which is proudly displayed.
- Assemblies throughout the week at The Newbridge School have centred around Remembrance Day, and in particular the contribution of Sikh soldiers in WW1 and WW2. On Friday, student representatives laid a poppy wreath at Coalville’s Peace Garden.
- Students at The Castle Rock School have been engaged by the school’s art department, collectively creating a Remembrance Day-related textile project. This has taken place alongside assemblies with students across the whole week.