March 08, 2024

World Book Day 2024
We recognise that a good grasp of literacy is vital for the young people across Lionheart schools. Not only does reading non-fiction and fiction open up a world of information and escapism, it allows pupils to make strong progress in other areas of the school curriculum and flourish when they enter the working world.Consequently, our Leicestershire schools welcomed the opportunity to host a range of initiatives to mark World Book Day 2024; an annual event designed to promote a love for books and reading.
Here’s the round-up of what they got up to this year:
Hallam Fields Primary School:
Hallam Fields in Birstall was awash with famous literary characters from the pages of Fantastic Mr Fox, The Cat in the Hat, Holes and many more, as children and staff ditched their usual uniforms and instead wore elaborate costumes that celebrated famous texts.
The excitement in the air was palpable as, in the morning local author Steve Skidmore – who has penned a wide range of engaging children’s books – led an inspiring assembly for Key Stage One and Two pupils. Throughout the day, Steve also hosted masterclass workshops, educating the budding young authors on the skills needed to become a successful writer.
Pupils also demonstrated their artistic flair in a whole-school art and design competition to decorate their own bookmark, with the winning entries enjoying a delicious lunch, with Steve, as a prize.
The Cedars Academy:
Magic filled the air at ‘The Cedars Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry’ as the Senior Leadership Team donned their cloaks and wands, coming into school dressed as iconic characters from the Harry Potter series.
Throughout the day, Hagrid, Snape, Hermione and co also hosted a ‘Drop Everything and Read’ session, whilst the library was packed full of students participating in quizzes and engaging in a ‘book-swap session.’
Beauchamp College:
Following the yellow-brick road, Dorothy, Toto and friends took a slight de-tour and ended up at Beauchamp College on World Book Day, with the school’s Senior Leadership Team paying homage to the famed novel by dressing up as iconic characters from The Wizard of Oz.
During the day, students took part in a ‘Battle of the Books’ trail. Searching around the school for clues, they had to successfully answer 20 book-related questions to be in with a chance to win 10 Reward Points and a sweet treat voucher.
Using their detective and inference skills, students also participated in a ‘Staff Shelfie’ competition and had to successfully match each teacher to a photograph of a bookshelf.
Humphrey Perkins School:
Learning was well and truly brought to life at Humphrey Perkins for World Book Day. Students were transported back to the 1900s, with members of the English Department donning Edwardian costumes and impersonating characters from the classic J. B. Priestley play, An Inspector Calls.
Having managed to evade interrogation from the mysterious Inspector Goole, students participated in a quiz hosted by the National Literacy Trust. ‘The Great World Book Day 2024 Footy and Booky Quiz’ tested students’ literary and football knowledge and featured guest appearances from the likes of Patrick Bamford, Leah Williamson and other stars from the Premier League, the English Football League and the Women’s Super League.
Elsewhere, the swashbuckling students embarked on an epic treasure hunt around the school, searching far and wide for the 10 books which staff members identified as their favourite.
The Castle Rock School:
“Who’s that behind the mask?!”
The now iconic theme tune to the popular ITV show reverberated from the classrooms of Castle Rock this World Book Day. But, instead of trying to recognise celebrities masquerading as singers, students had to identify which of their teachers were reading classic children’s stories from behind a mask.
Students also toured the school in the hope of finding several gift-wrapped books that were hidden. Those who found one were able to keep it.
Broom Leys Primary School:
It was an easy start for the students at Broom Leys in Coalville, who didn’t have to get changed after rolling out of bed, as they rocked up for World Book Day wearing their pyjamas ready to hear a bedtime story! Other pupils enjoyed coming in dressed as their favourite book character.
Key Stage One children listened intently to English Lead, Miss Gamble, who hosted a World Book Day-themed assembly. Meanwhile, Key Stage Two pupils enjoyed a real treat; they attended a live webinar with Jacqueline Wilson – the author famed for penning the Tracey Beaker series. She spoke about the release of her latest book The Girl Who Wasn’t There and provided the children with an insight into the writing process and also how she creates memorable characters which remain with readers long after her books have been finished.
Judgemeadow Community College:
Emphasising their commitment to supporting the community, Judgemeadow hosted a non-uniform day and invited students to donate £1; all proceeds were given to Read for Good, a charity that provides books for poorly children in hospital.
The annual book costume competition was held, with a prize on offer for each year group, and the Teacher Costume Quiz was also well-attended, with students identifying the staff member who had dressed up. Each lesson commenced with a 10-minute reading of Landlady by Roald Dahl. After they had finished the text – students enjoyed participating in a reflective session where they looked back at key aspects of the book.
Sir Jonathan North Girls’ College:
Students at Sir Jonathan North enjoyed a practical World Book Day, engaging in variety of hands-on activities. They wrote book reviews and decorated them artistically before being displayed on a stunning banner pinned up in the library.
Then, they had fun learning about origami, using their newly acquired skills to create funky bookmarks.
“I really had fun making origami bookmarks, especially as we were observing 2024 World Book Day. It was really awesome and incredible to make these little cute bookmarks. I will definitely use them for my reading books,” commented Angelena in Year 8.
Brocks Hill Primary School:
At Brocks Hill, the EYFS children each decorated a flag in the style of their favourite book. From Paw Patrol to Batman and The Gruffalo to Frozen, there was fantastic variety on display. The flags were joined together to form one giant banner which was hung up in the hall as part of the Scholastic Book Fair.
The school also hosted its annual World Book Day costume competition with four very worthy winners selected, one of which showcased a fantastic home-made Mandrake costume from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.
Riverside Primary School:
Pupils at Riverside, learned about blurbs for World Book Day, including what they are and what their purpose is. They were even challenged to identify a series of books from just reading the blurbs!
Then came the real challenge; the children were tasked with re-writing a blurb for a new version of The Day the Crayon Quits, but, in their story, something else had to quit. From rubbers to glues and pens to pencils, it seems all the stationery had gone walkabout from the classrooms at Riverside!
The Newbridge School:
At Newbridge, staff emphasised the wide and wonderful worlds to which reading can transport us. The English Department brought learning to life by dressing up as characters from the curriculum, and cards were displayed around school detailing the favourite books of staff members. 45 fortunate Year 7 and Year 8 students spent the afternoon taking part in the Big Readathon in the Library.
Beauchamp City Sixth Form:
Proving that World Book Day is a fantastic initiative for older students too, a World Book Day twist was given to the weekly quiz for students at Beauchamp City Sixth Form. Testing all aspects of their literary knowledge, participants were required to answer 12 questions from a range of well-known fictional and non-fictional texts.
With such a fantastic array of activities and learning in 2024, we can’t wait to see how our schools will top it in 2025, to continue to highlight the joy of reading among pupils.